of the largest, richest, most politically corporations in the world like boeing, general electric, bechtel, and caterpillar. in 2013 over half of ex-im's financing went to a handful of the fortune 500 companies and big wall street banks apparently benefit as well. as reported in the press recently, one former jpmorgan and citigroup banker said of ex-im's credit guarantees, quote, it's free money, unquote. so if you're politically connected bank or company, that benefits from ex-im, no doubt you would like it to continue. after all, it's a sweetheart deal for you. taxpayers shoulder the risk, you get the reward. if you work at a small business or another american company competing in the global marketplace, it's unfair. ex-im effectively taxes you while subsidizing your foreign competitors. we hear a lot from powerful voices on k street and wall street about the bank but we also should listen carefully to some voices from main street like harold richards in my district. quote, as a small business owner who exports, i think it's outrageous that my own government puts my business and other sm