. >> my name is kathrin beckwith, and i learned about this when a friend called me yesterday. i've not had any notice of this. i am wondering if this means that you can't change your building at all, that you can't build up within the height limit that exists now, even though you might be preserving the ground floor. does anyone know? >> well, we'll address that -- we can address that when we get back to the commission, but we can't really answer questions directly at public comment time. we can take up your comment... >> i -- >> we can respond to it shortly, but we can't have a dialogue right now. >> fine. i'll move on. i've had this building a long time. i watched where south of market grew. i watched where no major parks were put in. i've watched where burton designated park on the waterfront made into a rehabilitation place when there were historic buildings right behind it, maybe even abandoned that needed to be saved, and yet, there's no park there where everybody would enjoy it right by the water. i don't want this block to be used as a light corridor for others that mi