president on a different matter, i rise today to pay tribute to becky lockhart former speaker of the utah house of representatives who tragically passed away on january 17 after a brief battle with a rare and devastating disease. becky lockhart was the first woman to serve as speaker of the house in the state of utah and she did so in a truly extraordinary manner. she established a pattern of leadership that will be a model and a guide for wise legislative leaders in our state and across this great nation for many, many years to come. i affectionately and admiringly referred to speaker lockhart as "the iron lady of utah." as she possessed so many of the qualities of the original iron lady margaret thatcher. grounded in conservative principles passionate about policy and committed to federalism and local control she knew where she stood and she stood firm every single time. she followed the admonition of another great leader in american politics abraham lincoln who said, "i will stand with anybody that stands right stands with him while he's right and part with him when he goes wrong.