and as the nanny state, which heritage helps fight against becomese. well be easier for the government to force groups of americans to accept forced lobbying on their behalf like the force american workers to accept the forced the presentation. think about it, my friends. to 20.5 million government employees the unions are already represented 41%. they receive a form of devotee could benefit entitlement who could also be unionized with a few tweaks of the law. imagine how much more income could be generated by representing them. i don't know if you will realize this, but every million workers is about a billion dollars of dues to the shuttle buses. a billion dollars in dues to support political the activity, to help the leftist organizations. for the past half a century, a government employee unions have been winning. the power and privilege has been ratcheted up. never down and it's been ratcheted towards the greater union power nevertheless. it's our job to reverse that pattern and restore sanity and policy to the country. thank you for being here to