. >> here is eminem at the lourve, beeber in the hospital and rihanna just about everywhere. be crafted marketing. james franco is a self-proclaimed selfie ofiperso. and miley cyrus, her own take goes for shock value in her latest controversial video. ♪ >> the president took time out to mark the year of the selfie. twitter devotes a day to it, hash tag selfie saturday. face book and instagram may be contributing to self involved oversharers. >> a super close up of my eye, now a selfie looking cute. >> when you're sending out photos of yourself the message is look at me, admire me. >> one study looked at college students over time and found that narcissistic traits has been rising but is posting selfies to blame? ask any ninth grader and they will tell you they take hundreds of selfies every year. teen girls are five times more likely than boys to share se selfies. >> who has more photos, more friends. >> who has more likes? >> exactly. >> i didn't see you there. >> with instagram trending towards video and facebook gobbling up vines, videos are all the rage. if you can get yo