interracial sex, the ones who are really doing it -- and every one of these race-mixed people that harriet beecher stowe talks about all carry within, if you look at the number of people described as "nearly white," the system cannot recognize these people. white,"ne is "nearly how do you pick them up? you have created a fifth column within your own society because of your inability to control your urges. think i am on television, so i should talk about bashing my [laughter] we are running out of time, but one last question, and we will have compact answers. >> the very first words written that started our entire wasriment, "we the people," based on a number of founding principles and values upon which we built a nation, addressed the constitution. we have addressed slavery and the problems that you had with abolition, the civil war, and so on in the search of a compromise and the magic of how we didn't get to a constitution is that leaders from different points of view learned to compromise. today? we in such a mess because we are not looking for compromise anymore. because we are too busy compro