. -- are gribprorst -- beenararbo. the trees to not comply with the city requirements. there are two trees, one of them is within two feet of the utility line, another is within a foot. under our plan, we will comply with the city requirements. these trees are 20 years old. wheat planted them ourselves. unfortunately, we planted them in planter boxes -- we planted them in planter boxes. we planted them ourselves. they have a lot of safety issues. we have liability issues. we have already paid out a lot of money. for a property such as this, it puts a lot of liability on us. we have a lot of people coming into this church. >> i will speak about the project briefly. this is a remodeler of a hundred-year-old building which was approved by the city. we submitted for a tree permit on july 21st of 2010. we received a denial to remove nine of the trees. we went to a hearing on january 24th, 2011, and we are still denied. >> this is the sanchez side of the street. these are the existing trees. these were proved to be removed and these have been removed. this is a long klipper s