. -- beenindustry in regulated, the investment would have been lower. there was a loophole. and it closed a loophole was disastrous. fcc has been a big benefit to the industry. it has been a massive amount of investment. >> one of the things we have talked about is the issue of [indiscernible] working their way through right now. what are your thoughts? >> we will see what happens. hopefully, the providers of i amband have generally -- not a regulator. it feels like they are not saving their own networks. i should not opine. broadband, there are many flavors and prices. consumers have options. lower prices for lower speeds, higher prices for higher speeds. generally, when offered the choice, if someone can't afford it, they will always pay with a high-speed. there are many flavors and many options out there. i think it is why the regulating touch has been so different. >> is there a danger in getting too close to the people you -- is there a danger in getting too close to the company's? recover them for 20 years or 30 years. we were not able to give it an honest appraisal. i