on thone hand, infectious didiseases l like smallpox or tubercululis could beevived,, but there e arell of the diseases we know nothing about. seases that may have c caused thee extinction of ththe neanderthal maman. it could pottially b brevived. >> local authorities are aware of the risisk. ieiele s say it is illllegal to t in reality it illegaloo be b buried here.. and it has b been since the 1970's. >> for some e people, it c can e quite tough. it isn't the easiest thing. but that is the framework. and everybody else, right here. ♪ >> here are a lot of crazy pictures of me. a veteteran here. she e owns the polar rig, a locl institution. >> [inindiscernible]e] she spent 20 years here. at thehe age of 70,, she startro thinink about retetement and she knowss the ruleses she can't stay. but she jokekes about the e to's reputationon. here.die they say you cannot die here. you have to go -- and died. therere are no retirement homes, geriatric services.s. when the timime comes, shehe pls to r return h home o on the norn cocontinent, leaving behind thte town where p pple never die but liv