all the companies beforeeus in 2009 profits of more than $64 billion. he paid $37 billion in dividends to your shareholders. yoo invested more than $9.5 billion in exploration. but you invested far less in renewable and alternative energy. you are energy companies. my urging would be -- why not invest in energy products and energy technologies that are far safer, that will win us -- we've us from our dependence on oil, that will bring you profits for your shareholders, aad make america safer? and our constituents are very smart. one of them approached me in san pedro, california yesterday and said why don't we require energy companies drilling to drill a original well.ongside their if it was drilled at the same time, it would be there. >> we thank the gentle lady. the chair recognizes the+ gentleman from louisiana. >> thank you, mr. chairman. i spent last iiland on -- i spent last weekend of grand isle, with people saying that they are spending more time fighting bp in the government and they are fighting evil. that is unacceptable. first and foremost,