senator begich raised one of the issues i was going to. had a airport thadid the right thin relied upon tsa assertions if you upgrade next genetion security facilities during the middle of remoling effort that makes goodusins sense and then when they came to get reimbursed those dollars hav't been there so i look forward to hearing the same kind of response, as well. d this is probably one of imagine i got colleags on the her side of the ais that have this same issue. let me also reassert what i think t chairman has mentioned and i think all of our colleagues believe. your number one job to me sure that your tsa employees ensure the safety of the holand, thsafety of our traveling public, both domtic and foreign, and clearly my conversations with you in reviewing your background, you've got tt expertise. >> thank you, setor. >> but do believe there's another piece and raised it yesterda i want to take another moment it, and that is you've got cse to --ou'll have close to 50,000 employees and in many ways this is the -- these employees are t