when a senior begums age 62 in the city, he or she is forced off of general assistance and has to receive early social security retirement. what that does is, that senior loses thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars by being required to take early social security retirement, but the senior also loses the housing subsidy, so you need to change that policy. they should remain on general assistance until they are 65, when they can get their full social security. thank you. supervisor mar: thank you. next speaker. the last card i have is -- >> my name is carol. i am from -- my name is carol, and i am from the senior center. i am a participants. a problem right now is finding things for seniors. there does not seem to be enough. i am having a problem with getting a 90-day ban and going to the shelter, being told, "we can take you today, but we have to drop you in 90 days, because somebody dropped somebody else's bed, and that is yours." this happened twice, so i took it to the committee. there is something wrong there. it is affecting my health. maybe this happens to a lot of people