excited november 13 building on the successful efforts their other opportunities for other spectrum behan'sopportunity to explain new way for spectrum and if we are successful capitalizing on the potential opening prospects for access for other behan's party still need to come together to drive the solution and over one week ago to embark on an exciting opportunity determined whether to make a spectrum much higher for mobile broadly and. susan to proceeding with a look at technology to the higher frequency bands to ensure that they flourish. in the bureau this is called the frontier but as the chairman noted that i don't care what they call it even if it is a kumquat i don't care is a part of the spectrum efforts where we strive to create rules that are deployed is also a fresh based approach this is really the ground floor we cannot forget about the first ever auction of the innovative approach ford van spectrum the commissiocommissio n announced last week but we're not slowing down those vital input should be coming in the near future as they make more spec available we need to major prov