call your r doctor abobout unusual chchanges in b behar psychohosis have a an increasd risksk of death cacan increaease these i in childrn anand young adadults. or suicicidal thoughghts. antideprpressants cacan report fevever, stiff f mus, or c confusion,, whicich may meanan a a life-threaeatening reaeac, report fevever, stiff f mus, or c confusion,, or unconontrollablee mumuscle movemements, report fevever, stiff f mus, or c confusion,, which mamay be permanenent. side effffects may n not apr fofor several l weeks. which mamay be permanenent. high c cholesterolol and weweight gain,n, high bloodod sugar, whwhichn leadad to coma o or death, high c cholesterolol and weweight gain,n, may ococcur. movementnt dysfunctition, sleepipiness, and d stomach iss arare common s side effectc. whenen bipolar i i overwhelm, vraylar r helps smooooth ths anand downs. whenen bipolar i i overwhelm, >>> welcome back this morning on "in-depth today," what does the super bowl look like during the pandemic? good question. >> well, we're going to find out. excitement is building for sunday it's a question that