originally scheduled to take place in november but it was brought forward after the death of incumbent beiji qaida saving 26 candidates are taking part of the race including under the time remove the islamist party and actor and incumbent prime minister youssef head tunisia is known as the birthplace of the 2011 arab spring today it's held up as the only nation in the region to have successfully manage the transition to democracy but it's still beset by problems including high unemployment and poverty actually it's election time in the rural village of my. young politician bob is trying to convince people heads to go out and vote but many farmers a skeptical politician comes out was that i was not a man they had the i don't trust politicians they all lied to us none of them told the truth or they cheated us the farmers more than others and so far we haven't had a single government that kept its election promises. perfect how many. understands their frustration many chain asean is disappointed with politics now more than ever the economic crisis is causing problems for people and some blame democra