the problems of racists in the police forces, from sirjan, three days after nahel's death, bein asham dastani the spokesperson of the high commissioner for human rights, in his press conference in geneva. he said that time it is time for france to seriously address the deep problems of racism and racial discrimination among law enforcers. this is not the first time that france becomes a subject to the united nations. the frequent use of identity checks, discriminatory arrests and fixed punishments for disproportionately targeting certain minorities, according to the committee , were mostly targets of african descent, arabs, and non-french people, according to a police sociologist in an interview. that june 29 in the lavado media, light is published in these cases, it is not digestible, especially when we know that most of those killed in the course of disobeying the order to stop the police of ethnic minorities and the police of the french government called the un transfers completely baseless and quickly reacted to the ministry. the ministry of foreign affairs announced in a statement that t