the companies that failed was fannie mae, freddy mac, lehman brothers, beir stern, countrywide. >> thepanies we bailed out were citi bank, bank of america, wells fargo. they got the big tarp money. >> chris, i will bring you in in a moment. w45 is your reaction -- what is your reaction to the senator had to say? >> look at jp morgan chase. they were forced to take the money because the government said so. elizabeth warren and john mccain are wrong on this. >> chris, is it time to bring it back? >> it is definitely time to make sure we don't have another financial crisis. the reality of the situation was, yes, you had bad mortgages and bad loans, but you also have a banking system that is incredibly interdependent. when you have a liquidity crisis, it is not just affecting one institution. it affects all. then you add in this complex, derivative type of transaction that is very difficult to manage. you don't necessarily know what the risk is. when you have a situation as we do now where the banks are even bigger than they were, the question is what can you do to mitigate the risk? if yo