they don't calm primarily from bel air california or you know the upper east side of new york. they come from where i come from so i understand that. >> michael moore was a tough to write this book? >> yeah. it is very hard. i've been wanting to write this book for probably a couple of decades and then i started, i really started writing it down a couple of years ago. i spend a lot of time on this book, and i would spend many nights -- i would be sitting in the chair of the computer and i would be laughing one minute at my -- and the next minute i would break down and start crying because you know, when you read this you will see some of the things i've been through. but it was very cathartic in that way. i mean it was really powerful. i mean, personally i am the proudest of this of anything i've written. and i set out with that in mind. even though these are not fiction stories, i said you know, the nunn in my head said, this is literature. .. >> a lot of times authors have to drag them out of the barn, but with me, they've got to try to cool my jets because i want to get out