senate in new york in a crowded field of celebrity democratic candidates that included congresswoman bela risky bet for the moynihan campaign. but the bet paid off and in january of 1977 when senator moynihan took the oath of office tim russert took that time oath of office as a senate staff employee running the new senate senate's buffalo office. three weeks later, buffalo was hit with the blizzard of '77. snow drifts were as high as 25 feet. the snow was so high at the zoo that three reindeer were able to just step over the fence. he urged the harvard boys to get senator moynihan up to buffalo as fast as possible. he started researching the possibilities of emergency federal assistance and when senator moynihan arrived, tim made sure the local media knew it. federal judge richard eaton, who was then running senator moynihan's other upstate new york office told me tonight "tim did such a great job with the buffalo press it sounded like pat moynihan was shoveling your sidewalk." when the senate went back to washington, he took tim with him. tim got on the plane in his parka and he wasn't