belkart and belarusbank organized a real show for them. the boys and girls met their favorite bloggers, had a lot of fun at master classes, and also tested their knowledge of financial literacy. the holiday brought together more than 5.00 teenagers. ilona volynets will tell you how it was. the polotsk boys and girls burst into the new school year bright, fun and unforgettable. they will definitely remember this event for a long time. top artists-bloggers nastya kravchenko and nikita belko will be guests. the case when everyone is on the same vibe. princesses are waiting for their princesses, as if someone could make a mistake with them. painting cardholders, shoppers, plaster figures, drawing with colored sand, a master class in mobile photography , photo posing lessons, all this is absolutely free. the holiday for schoolchildren was traditionally organized by belkart and belarusbank. the kids not only had fun, but also pumped up their financial literacy. for example, schoolchildren were reminded of the possibilities of the student card. t