the belarusian national biotechnology corporation is an example of how you can build a unique productiony in a very short time, which... today is not available in the post-soviet space space in the countries of eastern europe. we will move in this direction. these are advanced technologies, this is the future, this is the future of our people, this is the independence of our country. after the collapse of the union, yes, it was very uninteresting, for some time we even had to leave for two or three, but the backbone always remained in service, the plant was pulled out. we did not think. that the plant would be able to so quickly from a repair mechanical plant to become a flagship for the production of urban electric transport. at the moment, we are making electric buses for nizhny novgorod, we have already started making bodies for krasnoyarsk, plans to supply electric buses to krasnodar, to sochi, we have all this thanks to the fact that once, immediately after the collapse of the soviet union, when enterprises... our equipment is used not only in our city of minsk, but beyond its borde