the belarusian self-defense corps, the belarusian regional defense, the union of belarusian youth, allutrages on belarusian soil, 400 of them are still at large. belarus remembers all its inhabitants burned belarusian villages, today more than 10 thousand of them are known, remembers all those tortured in concentration camps, who, taking into account the preliminary results of the criminal investigation... we see that in neighboring countries, unfortunately, nazism is trying to raise its head, we cannot allow this and we shouldn’t, for the sake of the memory of people who survived the horrors of genocide on russian soil, the television news agency presents it in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people, the light has passed and the belarusian capital has passed. ale and spring prychosak patraben i vesenny mood. kali weasel, the young ones from the flower gardens of minsk were sleeping. today in minsk there will be a republican look at the spring-summer day's madeles, made by the indian pashiv's atelier. the 1959 madelais have a flat beach line. moderate daily life, lacania