organs, on which you can play a full concert, i know four instruments, this is in the belarusian state philharmonic the church of st. roch in cathedral church, this is in minsk , in the st. sophia cathedral, here are four organs, here, but good organs appear and restored organs appear, in pinsk, for example, in lida, i know, they also restored an organ in... one day after a concert on such a sunday , there were a lot of tourists, an elderly woman came up to me and said: “oh, baby, thank you so much, oh, how i had a rest, i was even tired, and i dreamed about my village and my mother and our chickens , you see, that’s what, but a person can, as it were, rested, slept, and even what was dear , close, well , obviously, that woman’s mother was probably no longer alive, she was probably like that already.” she was about 70 years old, like that, like that there were revelations, and i thought, why not, why not get some sleep , maybe even in general this is a cure for insomnia, come listen to organ music, sleep for an hour. we met very far from here in the city of vladivostok, where we actually graduated