problems are you even from this list, so that you can name us, we can go out, yes to the belarusian union sergeevich wellnization that i have always had deep respect for, because i am actually this member of the belarusian union woman quite a long time ago. that is, i still have a job. i was a member of this organization. as a matter of fact, i am here today and i know for sure that i understand that women have united in some kind of powerful organization, like the belarusian women’s organization, although this organization. she has a good, glorious tradition, wonderful ones that have been working for quite a few years in our country. of course, they can do a lot, but you know, it ’s probably not always right to spread thinly here either? why because there are issues that concern women today, and i always speak in a person will join a public organization or a party when his heart calls, when he sees that he is interested there, that there are and are being resolved those issues that really concern society today. well, here are belarusian women. you know, i don’t even know what to outsource to someone, be