such violations are revealed in our country, but like the auto shops - this again, well, the same belkopsoyuzricing system in the office, it is purposeful, so the business entity either violates everywhere or does not violate anywhere, that’s all, that is. regarding pricing, these are slightly different checks, this is not so, i came, i saw and took action. okay, but if we compare the assortment , the requirements for the assortment in the auto shop and the requirements for the assortment in the store, but they are probably different, because the stores depend on the trading area, on where they are located , also on their specialization, and the requirements for the availability of goods are also different , but for rural areas, yes, there is for auto shops, their own assortment list, there is for shops , again, depending on the specialization of the area, well... what 100-150 buy, that is, an assortment auto shops are three times higher. the president said that at the new year's table, that a resident of the capital, or a resident of a village, should have what he wants, even truffles, even