bella and ava. >> ava, yeah. >> how are they doing? >> they're doing okay. they're, you know, 5, 4 and 1. ava, she's 5. mia's 4 and bell a is 1. one i had the discussion with. and bella, i mean, bella is 1, and mia, she's 4. she also has autism, and so she, you know, processes things a little bit differently, and is a little bit delayed, and so you know, she doesn't get it, and so ava and i had a discussion. i had to tell her that her daddy is in heaven now, and she said, well i thought he was in liberia." see, patrick's work kept him away a lot from us. he was gone for long periods of time, and the truth is that it put a strain on our marriage, and in every way, because i wanted him back home. >> yes. >> i wanted him here with me, and the girls. he felt like liberia needed him more, and he felt like he needed to fight the good fight in liberia. he wanted like a better democracy for liberia. he would say "liberia doesn't have a middle class. we have very poor and very rich" because he lived in america for so many years and so he wanted like a better democracy for liberia, a middle class. he was big on social justice. >> it sou