for bell pottinger, online, a storm of rage and indignation.nts, apologised for an inappropriate and offensive campaign, sacked the partner in charge and launched an internal investigation. back in london, the company insists it was misled about what was really going on here. but was it? from the very start, said one source, there was utter fury and disgust internally about this contract. management knew the depth of feeling in the office and defended their decision. that's a claim bell pottinger denies, saying, we took action as soon as we were made aware of behaviour that went against the very core of our ethical policies. the picture is muddied by a bitter falling out between lord tim bell and the company he founded. the peer, who left last year, says he warned against taking on the guptas account, and says its senior management knew all about it. the company declined to comment on this claim, but a source there told us bell himself had helped to secure the account. the source said ceo james henderson had been aware of plans to promote econo