welcome back, i'm bella shaw. dr. laux, we've got some people standing by on the internet from all across the country via skype video with some questions for you. starting with marti, live from rome, georgia. marti, what's your question? dr. laux, my mother has dementia. will cebria help her? also, i'm 69 years old, and i am so frustrated sometimes and worried about my memory loss. will it help me? marti, my heart's with you and your mother, but no, as alzheimer's and dementia is a disease, that requires medical care. but for normal age-related symptoms like forgetfulness, a faltering short term memory, that fuzzy brain feeling, cebria is a great solution. thank you, dr. laux. now we have clyde from tucson, arizona, with a question. clyde. hi, bella! dr. laux, i'm 70 years young, and i'm really excited about trying cebria. what else can i do to keep my brain from getting old? you're a smart guy, clyde. that's the right question to be asking. you've gotta eat well. adequate protein, no trans fats, cut down on your suga