damian: all right, that's bcp.org for bellarmine college prep. dr. y grateful to you, manny, and bellarmine for doing this. it's a wonderful thing that you're doing to help raise funds for farmworkers. and also my understanding is that some of the monies will go to help sch--to provide monies for scholarships so that other students who come from underserved communities who cannot afford to attend bellarmine can actually get scholarships to attend your wonderful institution. and i should fess up that i have a great respect for bellarmine and gratitude because two of our grandchildren graduated from bellarmine and thanks to bellarmine they're very successful and they continue providing--or contributing to underserved communities in the areas where they work. so thank you, manny, for your wonderful work. damian: well--i mean, dr. tomas jimenez also takes after his dad. so i can see where that's happening. we have about a couple of minutes left. dr. jimenez, any final thoughts on your film? that's for dr. jimenez. francisco: i'm sorry. damian: any final t