[telephone ringing] belle vie. bonsoir. belle vie. bonjour. belle vie. bonsoir. ♪ belle vie bonjour ♪♪ belle vie, beautiful life. life is beautiful. that's it. you know, like, i live in southern california. i have a restaurant. i'm happy. so life is beautiful. belle vie. well, i'm located on washer between bundy and barrington, and most importantly, betweemcdonald and kfc, uh, two big corporation who feeds you crappy meals and, and puts cardboard into your fries. and, and people are waiting in line to go eat over there. well, it's freedom. people can eat they want. the cheeseburger is very cheap, i get it. uh, obviously, between a mcdonald and kfc is not the best location you can dream of, but that's the one i could afford. the restaurant was very crappy. it was a restaurant from the 's, '70s. it has been changing hands for the last 50 years. i had to build everything from scratch. i had to do all the electricity, all the plumbing, all the [indistinct], like, the sewer. i built the table myself with my friend trenten. i bought a piece of marble, glued th