if you can play this more italian... think of a, like, um, opera, bellini opera.. keep the line. still sustaining. the right hand flows across the keyboard like an italian singer. beautiful. it's like you're singing, so i have to press it. deeee—da—dee—da. and then that's relief. da—dee—da—dee—da—dee—da. that's great. and then the... yuja hums notes. yeah. improvise it. more and more, you realise you can just decide on the spot how to bring the piece alive. too much? no, it's nice. we definitely know we're going to e minor. yeah. do you let yourself create...? on the spot a bit? yeah. ..like on the spot? i mean, great composers are all great improvisers, so pretend you're, like, making this up. yes, yes. it's so good to leave space for spontaneity and let the inspiration flow. what if this has... yuja hums notes. ..more, um, glitter, more sparkly, like a splash of colour or brightness? yes. yeah. like david hockney. beautiful. i love that. think of, like, a bird. you know that bird? what's that called? eagle. but very light. it's in one go. yes. disappears. she wa