so you are pushing down with your bellybutton. down and--so the bellybutton goes down as you go up. and push. and up. 8 faster. 1 and 2 and 3, 4, 5, and 6, 7. last one. 8. arms up. pull. stretch those arms out. pull them up. pull them down. pull them up. if you have trouble doing this because it hurts your neck, then just keep the hands under your head. pull. because you can always adjust the exercises so that you get some benefits out of them. now you're gonna lift the legs up. stretch your legs. bring them in. stretch them out. add the arms. legs, arms. bring the legs in. now pull up. arms. legs. legs. and arms. faster. arms, legs legs, arms, arms, legs, legs arms, arms, legs, legs, and pull. arms, legs, legs. legs and good. keep the legs in. stretch them out. touch the floor. 1, 2 at a time. like you're walking down the floor. keep pushing on those bellybutton into the floor. and flex. 1. i'm sure you're feeling this in the abs. 5, 6, 7. with the toes as though you're walking down the floor but keep the back flat. 5, 6, 7, and flex. 2, 3. this strengthens not just the abs, but th