, well, if you take such folk instruments as the balalaika and domra, well, if we talk about the belolaika more. so, the process of directly assembling, adjusting, inlaying and finishing to the desired level takes about a month, but in order to prepare a tree for this production, much more time is needed, that is, between, say, the time when the tree is cut down, let it be like this it’s necessary, now it’s cut down, it takes at least about 3-4 years, then you can work with it further, the dry tree is understandable, but... must be cut, aged, well , probably like cognac, uh, the best wood is considered to be about 10 or more years old, how long the overall process takes, but you can calculate it yourself, that is, if we talk about a high-quality instrument, take seasoned uh wood, then it’s well for about 8-10 years, in fact , my hobby before this workshop appeared was precisely making musical instruments, well, like everyone else... i went to work, worked as an engineer, worked in college, as a teacher, well, until then it was a hobby, how did this workshop appear, this well, i’ve already