they are belowhere we are here. maybe we'll not drive the retail or fast food but other service jobs overseas. >> the complaint is that we don'have jobs here in america. but the fact is labor is cheaper overseas. and youth unemployment here. minimum wage jobs in mcdonalds and entw level position are necessary for high school and college students to get a to the in the work force. if you start raising thatcost and making them more expensive, emplees willot hiring then. there is a 17 percent youth unemployment rate. we'll see go up. >> hold on, ju know. your city alone, there is a walmart law where they want to increase the wage for walmart. there is a 34 percent unemployment rate in teens in washington d.c. and you box them outine more from jobs th need. >> wait a second, if you are talking about mcdonald, the average worker is 28. not teenagers. and second eric y and wayne will have to get in corporate jets to go to mcdonald and send those jobs overseas. that's what wayne is saying. >> no, let's be honest here. one