i came up to you ben arbor michigan to work on the harvest and that work i couldn't do i couldn't make money at it so i came back and while i was in jackson i want to live the induction center there and signed i believe comedy. i want to say i'm paying you to me. this is a cotton mill area there were five textile mill sure and i want to run for about two months and looking for a job and finally one of the old neighborhood grapes had been around for years had for i get a job in the cotton mill. i went straight to the army recruiter. i'm not coming. in i'm ready to go. by group and trailer park i grew up in a little small town called para land texas that's near galveston i remember sitting on the couch and watching. the first gulf war. two hours ago allied air forces began an attack on military targets in iraq in kuwait and watching it on the television and seeing how quick that it went and the hoopla afterwards from liberated featured to. also great to be an american i had felt that we had lost the ghosts of vietnam. i remember sitting there on the couch said knight and thinking to myse