it says in my description about ben axler, that you ore an activist short seller, we agree.ensic financial resaler who dedicated his career to exposing schemes. is msci a financial scheme, and if so, why? >> well, i think company clearly is trying to create shareholder value, and increase its stock price. where we think they have gone wrong is through expensive acquisitions that we think haven't lived up to the expectations. we think they're repurchasing their stock at 17 times revenue multiple. we think that should be dedicated more to dividends. and, you know, we think that, to the point about it being a mature struggling company, that they're engaging in aggressive accounting to project an image of growth, where we think ultimately they're going to struggle to meet expectations as the industry transforms and their solutions -- >> these are operational largely. that's my characterization, not yours, operational issues, how the company is being run, what it's done in terms of acquisitions, how it's handling share repurchases and dividends. these are legitimate criticisms fr