federal government is going to do that maybe in some other planet utopia it will what my friend ben barber the late ben barber who wrote a magnificent book so said he called the mayors ruled the world was working to was a was a global parliament of mayors like the u.n. where ben says these cities could actually work together to do redistribution show if new york and moscow and london were prospering these mayors could get together and create a fund and begin to redistribute money if they had money coming back from the federal government so i think we have to think about this. new wage but this whole idea here that's a legacy of the nineteenth and twentieth century that the strong national governments will somehow fix fix this problem it won't happen well it may not happen for you i think really in russia. i have a different opinion at least in this country the government is still the state is still the main driver of. change including urban change. decenter where we are sitting right now is in a is an example of that because they still make very large scale investments in big projects whil