he said ben barres is somewhat better than his sister's barbara. [laughter] ben: i think that experience points out something that all of us rtrans people -- we have lived life as both genders. we have shared in intense anger at the different ways society treats men and women simply based on their gender. i think in general i think we would all say in general society -- men are competent until proven otherwise and women are considered incompetent. it is incredibly unfair barriers for women in science. i'm am trying to promote some of my time to help one in. charlie: listening to that story, i assume it may be typical in terms of somebody questioning to looking for solutions in the experience of the reaction after you have changed. what does this say about gender identity? >> i wish we knew more, charlie. we certainly know it when we see it. i want to show you a very powerful example of two identical twins who, in this case, one of the male twins -- we have proven these twins are indeed absolutely identical and born male. one of them at age three sta