ben becker an mba student at the university of meyers from common man invest investor. >> nobody looks like they're panicking. >> liz, let me start with you. i read here aside from owning this 360 painting franchise you have about $40,000 in the market. on a day like this, are you buying? selling? >> well, i tend to take the conservative route. so right now i'm just standing by. >> what are your holdings currently? where do you think there is most opportunity in this market? >> well, i believe a company like procter & gamble is always going to be strong. household goods that we will be using. i also -- i'm from texas. i think oil and gas is always going to be strong. and water is going to be the new big commodity. >> she's playing water there. ben becker, our mba student, you call yourself cautiously pessimist pessimistic. what does that mean? >> if you you look at where valuations are on a broad spectrum, it kind of seems that we are -- while they can't be used for timing, necessarily, we are a little bit above where we have be