thousand and eight financial crisis and that was more or less engineered by timmy geithner and ben bernanke gates aligned goldman sachs pockets of billions and billions and now they're going along silver because they've been buying so far with reckless abandon out there in the marketplace is this just j.p. morgan feathering their nest once again talking their book krag. part of that max no doubt about it i mean if we look at the data whether it's suspect or not it shows j.p. morgan to hold in their comix vault well more than one hundred forty million ounces of silver and most of it is marked what they call eligible which means it's just being stored there it's not ready for delivery or anything like death or just holding it and so as we look at the numbers i think it's safe to assume which is call it at least one hundred million ounces of that silver is j.p. morgan's so they're sitting on this massive hoard max and again it's easy to be at least one hundred million ounces of their own silver and at five thousand answers of silver comix contract that's twenty thousand contract right so now they ha