. >> president bleiman: any name -- my name is ben bleiman, and i am the president of the entertainment commission. we do ask that everyone turns off their cell phones or puts them on silent, and that includes staff and commissioners, and he wiwe wil start with a roll call. [roll call] >> president bleiman: fantastic. the first order of business is public comment. these are comments on items that are not on our regular agenda tonight. does anybody have comments on any items that are not on the regular agenda? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel]. >> president bleiman: the next agenda item is number 2, approval of our meeting minutes from february 4, 2020, and i will ask if we have a motion to approve the minutes of february 4, 2020. >> i move to approve. >> second. >> president bleiman: is there any public comment on our february 4, 2020 minutes? seeing none, public comment is closed. [roll call] >> president bleiman: the next item is a report from our director. >> thank you, president bleiman. commissioners, it feels a little silly because we did have three commissioners in a