>> you know, as ben brad uly the former editor of the post would say, the truth e mejs, and sometimes it takes decades, and sometimes it comes out rather quickly, and i think that there should be a kind of are repatorial. >> and what you see, david? >> it is unusual to see hit the early in the administration. you have to understand that when there is a transition, the people coming into the administration have come out of the campaign, and they believe that the candidate, the new president walks on water at any moment, and loyalty is sort of at the highest. and so, i have not covered as many administrations as bob has, and didn't mean that as an age issue, but it is just -- [ laughter ] >> and i went to talk to some students recently and one of them asked me what calvin coolidge was like. [ laughter ] >> it is the time that coolidge met you in the parking garage that i thought was really great. >> and he didn't even have a parking garage and i'm not sure they had cars. >> so, but, it has been my experience suns i got back from the happy life as a foreign correspondent, and entered int