. >> rose: we continue this evening with ben brafman, a lead, attorney who represented dominique strauss-kahn here in new york. >> i've often said that if you have a bad press day but you win the case no one will ever remember the bad press day and if you have a good press day at the cost of winning the case no one will ever remember the good press day if you, in fact, lose the case. so i think we need to look at the end game and the end game is how you survive and how you either get a case dismissed or go to trial without having compromised any of the defenses available. >> rose: we conclude this evening with pico iyer who writes about his obsession with the british novelist graham greene. >> the deeper the conversation you have with a close friend, the less you want to leave that conversation for much more superficial encounter and the smallest thing in graham greene will move me now, was the close friend. you know how with a wife or somebody you know well you'll hear a pause in a sentence or see the way she moves her hair back and you realize the emotions behind that. >> rose: david boies,