ben butler was a senator from massachusetts. e vacillated between being a democrat, being a republican. he's well-known probably most well-known for debacles during the civil war. he was known as spooned butler. he was the military administrator for new orleans after he was captured by the union. he issued a care in under the name of the order, but it was that all southern women who disrespected union soldiers should be treated as. there were warmers that he stole family silver. that's what he was called spooned butler. this picture is painted on the inside of chamberpot struck the south here seen some of these museums. the that's under the waistband did like him. he and sam really hated one another. the because part letters from being a democrat to being a republican. same with the support of andrew johnson didn't feel that he should be impeached and dedicated that in every way he could and ben butler was definitely counting on johnson been impeached. the two of them traded barbs their entire lives. [inaudible] you mentioned jam