ben davis is the founder of the 211 crew, the white supremacist gang, and he and evan ebel were at theling, colorado, the sterling correctional facility, while they were there a threat was made to evan ebel that somebody for whatever reason reason, thed to get him and filed threats against him. davis stepped in for him and protected him. after he did so, though, he made it clear to evan ebel that he would need to do something for him. there was -- in prison it's always this for that. nothing is free. and when ben davis, the leader of the 21 1 crew steps in for you, he's going to expect you to stand up for him as well. >> is there any reason to believe that the 211 crew as an entity, or mr. davis, who is sort of the head of that prison gang would have, for his own reasons or for the gang's own reasons drawn up the hit list that you said in the denver post with more than 20 officials on it, some of whom it seems aren't connected specifically top evan ebel. >> this prison gang has, through various means transferred hit lists for as long as ben davis has been operating. and he's actually s