. >> that is what ben edelman hated most. >> if he did this to my friend sal own as pizza place -- melissa: i love it. let's end on that neat. thank you, guys. jonathan gruber went to washington but not to all the networks. glaring omission from top news outlets. we report, you decide. no snow, no problem. the snowboard for all seasons joins us in studio. charlie is growing to ride it. more "money" coming up. ♪ melissa: jonathan gruber on the so the heat in capitol hill. not so much in mainstream media coverage. fox news airs the congressional hearing for a total of 55 minutes. cnn, msnbc, zero. no gruber for you! here is how, now is howard kurtz, host of "mediabuzz" on fox news. thanks for joining us. what do you make of this. >> i don't think a cable network has to cover a hearing live in order to adequately convey news value. i sat through too many things and can be dull and repetitive and lawmakers giving self-serving speeches. but, this is very interesting hearing. gruber denies being architect of obamacare, yes, i was inept, i was dumb, i was inexcusable, i was arrogant. thereby vali