deficit what we've tried to do is put together a balanced approach that is both -- has effects on ben fishsaries and providers. when we make the decisions and choices about what we include, we try to do that on an analytical basis. in the private sector, in terms of how they treat this issue. we're making sure we're appropriately supporting rural communities. a very important thing of health care in those communities and the economics of that, but this is an issue that is a part of our broader approach to making sure that we are addressing the long-term entitlement issues, which i think we look forward to working with the congress, if there are ideas and approaches and specific policy changes that others believe are better than ours with regard to the package we have we look forward to hearing those specifics. >> thanks for the answer. i would suggest that there's probably a real problem in some of the rural hospitals outside of the state of nevada, but i just want to go on record, mr. chairman, that i do vehemently oppose these cuts. and i don't think it's an issue that's going to go away anyti