district survey and i saw some other history on it, but wasn't able to pinpoint actually if it was ben fshlly on the list of resources. it would have been in 1909 and at the concord ya club and it merged with the arginot in 1909 and the architecture is pretty out standing so significant, yeah, architect as well. i wonder if you could provide a report on that at our next meeting or whenever you have time as soon as you can. >> sure, happy to. >> thank you. commissioners agree. >> any other comments, questions? seeing none we'll move on. >> commissioners that places you under your regular calendar, item 6, case number 2013, at 648 request for major permit to alter. >> good afternoon commissioners. [inaudible] the project before you this afternoon is a major permit to alter request for a property located at 650 howard street. the property is currently developed with a single story class mezzanine reenforced structure with a flat roof designated as cot gar five within the new montgomery constructed in 1923 the existing structure was constructed. it has been substantially altered in the past and i