. >> good afternoon, planning commissioners, ben fu, planning staff, the project proposes two developments, number one, additional structures at 801 brannan to allow the construction of a new six storey 68 foot tall building consisting of up to 432 dwelling units, parking for up to 432 spaces and planning code exceptions [inaudible] off street loading reduction, the second development is also requesting for a large project authorization pursuant to the same code section 329 to allow the construction of two new six storey 68 foot tall buildings at 1 henry adams street, for parking up to 164 spaces and planning code exceptions for street frontage and horizontal mass reduction. the proposed project ins the affordability requirements of the two projects through a combination of land dedication and on-site alternatives, 55 [inaudible] affordable units and land dedication will be provided at 801 brannan street side, prep s*ent tiffs of the mayor's office of housing, should the commissioners have any questions? based on a proposed project, the department determined that the project complies with