ambassador to the united states, and in studio, we have josh letterman of the associated press and ben geiman. >> i just wanted to ask, the keystone pipeline has been such a contentious and prominent topic. i want to give the viewers a sense and ask you why this pipeline is so important and such a priority for the canadian government? >> it's a priority for the american public as well. it's got support, labor, business, war veterans supporting it. so we have great support here in the united states. we have had senate votes in favor of it in-house votes in favor of it. all we have to get now is a license from the state department and the president. we think it makes more sense to have oil on and in a pipeline than on rail. since it has been delayed, oil is coming down to the united states from north dakota and montana to the gulf coast but it's coming down on rail. 900% increase on oil shipments by rail. when you look at it, rail has a purpose in transporting some energy products, the smaller refineries, we believe. for a large shipment of oil, we believe that rail is less energy-efficient and